Wednesday, July 01, 2015

July Currently

I always love reading everyone's currently to see what everyone is up to. During the summer its even more fun to see goals & travels. I have so much going on this month, but it is all super fun! 

Listening: I am watching "The Tomorrow People" on Netflix. It is a pretty silly show, but its good background noise for computer work and planning! I am always looking for a show to keep on in the background while I work, study, or clean! Recommendations? 

Loving: I have been reading "Unshakable" and I really like how 'real' it is and actually applicable. Each idea seems achievable in my classroom and the positive approach to everyday teaching is a great rejuvenation for the new school year coming up {and something I truly needed}. There is a wonderful book study starting on Facebook July 15. I will be in Cabo San Lucas, but hopefully I will be able to join in from abroad.

Thinking: I am thinking about what on earth I need to pack for Vegas, I have read a ton of blog & IG posts about what to take. I have my labels made, buttons ordered, & name tags printed! One of my lovely roommates is helping my print & bind my handouts! She even made a special cover for the front, how sweet is ELAeveryday?! 
Wanting: Vegas! Simple enough right? I have never been to Las Vegas and I could not be more excited. I have the best three suitemates and I just know we are going to have so much fun! I cannot wait to learn and grow as a teacher and TPTer! 

Needing: To start checking things off my todo list. I have so many lists, one for back to school, Vegas conference, my Cabo vacation, first grade team meeting, and my beautiful sister's bridal shower! So many lists, so much fun, so little time! 

All star: I am choosing organizing, I love to arrange things & get organized, which is lucky because I have a lot going on this month! 

Head over and link up with Farley for July

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  1. Hi Katie! I totally understand having something going on in the background. I love crime shows but I can't watch them while working because I like to solve them before they do. I miss too many clues while I am working and listening! I am so jealous that we are not able to make it to Vegas this year. Mollie (my TPT partner) just had her first little one and so traveling was out of the question. I couldn't stand the thought of going without her! We are hoping it will work out for us next year! Have fun and enjoy every minute!


  2. I'm also loving Netflix. I plowed through Orange is the New Black and I have several things in my queue.

    I'm totally going to have to check out that book! I've been looking for professional books that are actually applicable and not designed for the ideal classroom.

    Have fun in Vegas! Jealous.

    You Might Be a First Grader….

  3. I need to think about packing, too! UGH! You are ahead of me- I don't even have my blogger nametag printed out yet! The Unshakeable book looks amazing!


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