Tuesday, June 02, 2015

June Currently

I am so close to summer that I can almost taste it! I am linking up with Farley from Oh Boy Fourth Grade for one of the most fun linky parties around! Click here to link up!

Listening: I am sitting in class...right now... on the last week of school. My body is in attendance, my mind is wandering on to my upcoming Boston trip on Friday and what cute outfits I should pack. 

Loving: The last few days of school are spent making fun memories at the talent show, reflecting on our classes most fun activities, and partying! My room is pretty much packed & stacked after some help for fourth graders today! I put my desks in a fun arrangement for the party days! I have had them in groups of five all year!

Thinking: That I want a chalkboard polka dot & rainbow themed classroom. At  this point I have baskets and things of all colors, only a rainbow theme could pull this mess together. 

Wanting: My husband surprised me last night by taking to me Tout Suite HTX. SO YUMMY! I only want to eat macaroons for every meal from now on.

Needing: SUMMER to just hurry up. I need a break! It is finally starting to get hot here, I will take anything over the nonstop rain that we have had for the last few weeks. I have spent the last few weeks changing from my wellies into sandals every morning at work. 

Summer Lovin':  I am so ready for late night hangouts with my sisters, beach days with my husband & pup, and I am so excited to have such fun roomies for TPT vegas in July! 

I also want to mention that the amazing host of "Currently" is collection donations for the animals affected by the recent devastating weather in Wimberly, Texas. Click the picture below to read about how Wimberly has touched her (& my heart) and how you can help too! 

I hope everyone's summer starts off wonderful! 
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  1. your blog always makes me smile… a little gator on a twig… LOVE LOVE LOVE…
    and thanks too for donating… you are awesome

    1. AH! I sort of whisper screamed in class when I saw YOU commented on my blog! I know the gator on the twig makes no sense but it looks cute! Thanks for doing the link up each month! Can't wait to see you in Vegas!

  2. It looks like you're ready to have some fun in your room!! I love the rainbow theme. :) Enjoy your last few days of school!!!

    A Sunny Day in First Grade

  3. Wow! Your classroom looks awesome! Everything looks new and clean : ) Very jealous that you are heading to Vegas! Hope your last days of school fly by!

    The Sassy Sub

    1. I tried so hard to keep it clean this year! Hope yours do too!

  4. Hi, I'm hopping over from Farley's link up! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog! How cute is that gator??? It was so much fun to read your Currently! I too have a rainbow theme going in my classroom, and I tied it together with dragons. :-) Those macaroons look AMAZING, which one was your favorite? Looks like you have your summer all planned out, I hope you have an amazing time!!! I'm your newest follower, and I would LOVE for you to come over and follow me too!

    Warmest Wishes,

    1. Thank you! :) I will definitely check out your rainbow room for inspiration! Macaroons..ummm either blueberry or creme brûlée!

  5. I found your blog through the link up! It is adorable! It sounds like you have a fun summer planned!

    KinderKids Fun

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. So while it's true that the people make an event (and the people definitely made any event!) this space definitely adds a different dimension to it. Went to venues San Francisco for evening event and I was really impressed.


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