Tuesday, June 23, 2015

{Dare to Dream} #TPTSellerChallenge-Week 2

Its week two of the TPT Seller Challenge with PeppyZestyTeacherista, Sparkling in Second, Teach Create Motivate, & Third in Hollywood. This week the challenge is to think about our goals for our business! I spend a lot of time working on my blog and TPT store, today, I am sharing why!

1. I love seeing new places & meeting new people. I would choose to have "an experience" over "something" any day of the week! I would rather keep my paid off car & have an extra week long vacation! Traveling with my husband is just the best, he always manages to find the coolest spots and things to do! 

2. I try and save a lot of the money I make on TPT for a rainy day when we may need it! I'd like to keep this fund growing! 

3. As of yesterday, I am officially HALF way done with my graduate program. WHOOOO! I have one more face to face class meeting on Thursday, and then Friday will be when my summer really gets going! I don't start back to classes until the first week of "kids at school" in August! 

Be sure to read the hosts blogs & check out what some of our colleagues on TPT are dreamin' about! 
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  1. Congrats on being halfway done with grad school! I know it's tough to do while teaching-- but it makes you feel so amazing and accomplished when you get done! Great idea for saving for the rainy day-- I definitely need to get on that band wagon :)

  2. Loving your goals! Well done on getting half way to finishing your graduate program - nearly there!!! I hope TpT continues to grow for you!

  3. I love traveling with my hubby too! In fact, we leave Sunday to do some traveling : )

    For the Love of First Grade


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