Friday, July 17, 2015

{Five for Friday}- July 17, 2015

How did we get half way into July, y'all?! I have been having SO MUCH fun! This summer is still in full swing, but it is flying by! I'm still so excited to link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday again this week! 

las vegas teachers pay teachers mrsdecaturslittlegators

las vegas teachers pay teachers

I had the most fun at the Teachers Pay Teachers conference in Las Vegas! I got to hang out with some Houston blogger friends as well as make new friends too! I learned so much & am so motivated to keep working! 

Teachers pay teachers the first grade parade

I got to meet & talk to my favorite blogging teacher, Cara Carroll! I totally went fan girl when we met & the best part was she is super sweet in person! #texasteachers 

back to school, one does not simply, first day of school

I have already been working in my room, with the help of my MIL I covered a huge corner of my room in fadeless paper and my room looks so much bigger! I can't wait to finish it up and start lesson planning! I can never make  myself wait until professional development starts up to work in my room! I would much rather go early and do the time consuming decorating & organizing tasks that I know will keep me happy and efficient throughout the school year, than wait and stress myself out!

teacher desk classroom set up small group area teacher area

One of the things I worked on in my classroom already is organizing my work area. I really like having my desk near my small group area. In past years, I have had it on opposite sides of the room, I feel like I waste time when I have that set up, so this year, I am using a small desk {that I covered in black contact paper & duct tape, it was super ugly brown} up against the wall and my small group table is facing the door! 

I have been having lots of fun with my pup Halle this summer! She LOVES to be outside & in the water! Here she is at the doggy park playing in this little tiny pool! 

We made some homemade whipcream & mango for dessert & someone got to lick the whisk! The best part was her using her little paws to wipe her chin off and then licking the whip cream off her paws. I was cracking up, it was too cute! 

How are you spending your last few weeks of summer?

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  1. I LOVE Cara Carroll! That is so awesome that you guys got to meet her. I just keep telling myself, "Next year, next year!"

    I cannot wait to see your classroom reveal. I bet it is going to be adorable! We are not allowed back in the building until the 1st week of August and I will be out of town soooo it doesn't look like I will get in mine until we start PD :/

    Oh, and I *heart* Halle. She is such a cutie!!!

    1. Yes! Next year will be even more fun! I would be stressing if I couldn't go back early because even thought decor is not super important, I value it and like to have it ready ahead of time so I can focus on the students & procedures when August rolls around! Maybe make some classroom & BB layouts so you can hit the ground running!?

  2. Katie, it looks like Vegas was a blast! I am so glad you had a great time. Loved the pictures of your puppy, what a sweetie! I'm the same way when it comes to classroom decorating. I hope you have a great weekend! :)

    1. Vegas was so fun & informational for me! Thank you, I LOVE my pupperoo! Good to know I'm not alone that boat!

  3. Looks like you had a wonderful time in Vegas, that's so awesome!! I can't wait to see what your classroom looks like, it is going to be so cute!! You did a really great job transforming that desk!! I have to work more at organization this year, it's a goal of mine that never seems to end! :-) Your sweet puppy is adorable, and I love her name!! She's having so much fun in that pool!! :-)
    Thank you so much for sharing your 5 with us, I hope you have a wonderful weekend!!!

    Kindergarten Dragons

    1. I really hope it will turns out cute!! I can say I LOVE organizing and do a pretty swell job, I've got to focus on the big picture with lesson plans this year, I can get so caught up in the day to day! Thanks for reading!


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