Saturday, August 22, 2015

Small Group Plans & Data Tracking

The task of organizing small groups & tracking data can be daunting. Its something I still have not perfected. I wanted to show one tool I use to keep myself on track throughout the year in first grade. I teach ELAR/SS only. So I have about ten groups to keep track of throughout the year. 

This is the small group plan/data tracker that I made a few years back. I have had these in my shop for awhile but wanted to share how I use it for small groups. 

I first select the group of kiddos I want to have in each group and record their names under the "group  members" section. I also number them 1-6 within each group, so I know which child has which reader. Each of small group book sets is also numbered 1-6. 

I then record the group's goals/targets/focus areas across the top. I choose anywhere between 1 and 3 goals per group. I write the standard number next to a very short description of the standard. So this groups goals are to work on identifying new vocabulary within texts on their independent level & reading fluently on their instructional level.  

. When I call each group during station time, I quickly jot the date, the standard number (from above) and the intervention/game/activity we will be using during our session in this area. So while I do write "small group lesson plans" I fit the entire week and each group on one sheet, its very short and simple. Which book, level, and focus that group will work on for the week. I am able to expand on those short short plans by recording in more detail for each group on this sheet. 

I write notes to my self in the middle, these are just made up notes & name to show you what it looks like after I have met with a group a few times!

I have this small assessment box on each day's row. I started out without anything of the sort, but quickly realized after meeting for ARDs, PSTs, SITS, you name it that I needed a little something each time I met with a group. The main reason was because of absences. I would meet with a group 4 times in a week, and wonder why isn't "Matthew Z." making any progress!? We met four times this week, only to realized he wasn't at school for one reason or another 3 our the 4 times we met! AHHH. So now I just mark an "A" next to students names when they are not at school when I meet with their group. Partly for me, so I can make time to reteach, but also for documentation purposes for all those meetings! 

Once I have met with a group several times for the same skill, in this case, 1.6 vocabulary. I look back at the assessment section to see their progress, if a student has three or more + for one skill, I write mastered and the date next to their name under the skill at the top. I may keep that student in this group but reading a higher level, move to another group, let leave the group table early, it just depends on what the student NEEDS at the time. 

This is what it looks like after a few sessions have been completed!

 I also have blank pages of just the daily log so I can meet with the same kids on the same skills more than three times. I use these sheets as documentation of intervention and enrichment for students, if I need them in a meeting or to turn in, I simply make a copy and use a thick black sharpie to mark out any names other than the student we are meeting on. 

Click any picture to check out the lesson plan/data tracker template in my TpT shop
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  1. I love this. I've tried several ways of keeping notes but I love how uniform yours is!

    1. Thank you! I tried many ways & this has worked very well for me for the last three years! :)

  2. Amazing! I can't wait to try it. I'm overwhelmed with flexible grouping which is great for learning but yes more prep and keeping good records. Thank you for all this and also many with pictures! So helpful.


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